Whether your interest is exploring the interior of a wreck, wanting to dive beyond 100 feet or something every diver needs to practice... buoyancy skills! Maybe your're interested in learning more about our ocean's coral reef ecosystem and marine species that surround you in our oceans and lakes. Or maybe your goal is to earn your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating. Jerry Bayus, PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and RecTEC Divers will help you accomplish your diving dreams! With PADI Spcialty courses and instruction, you learn the dive skills, knowledge, and planning that is necessary to safely and enjoyably conduct specialty dives that interest you most. Furthering your dive education by enrolling in PADI Specialty dive courses; a) keeps you diving, b) keeps you diving with an instructor, and c) you continue to learn proper and safe methods of recreational diving, which all combined gives you the ability to explore further more of what you want to see while becoming a more competent and safe diver. Individual specialty courses and instruction vary in length from half-day to two days. Call or email us for scheduling details!
The following are descriptions for PADI Specialty Diver Courses that RecTEC Divers offers:
Buoyancy can be a tricky thing for many divers. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course refines your basic skills and helps you master the highest performance levels in buoyancy so you can glide effortlessly through the water, gently interact with your surroundings, use less air and ascend, descend or hover, almost as if by thought. You will learn how to: trim your scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water; precisely determine and trim your weight; streamline yourself and your equipment; hover effortlessly in both a vertical position and a horizontal position.
There’s something exciting and mysterious about the deep! The water is bluer (or darker).... there can be different fish... or a different reef topography... every freshwater quarry or lake has it's own bottom topography. Although exhilarating, deep diving does require special considerations. In this course you will learn how to: handle the descents, ascents, stops and limitations that increased depth imposes; deal with nitrogen narcosis (gas narcosis) sometimes called the “rapture of the deep”; techniques for diving in the deeper range of 60-130 feet; deep diving equipment considerations; experience in planning, organizing and making at least four deep dives.
Whether sunk on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of mishap, our oceans present to us countless fascinating wrecks. Even our local Quarry's contain wrecks purposely sunk for training and our Great Lakes are a graveyard of historic wrecks sunk by the many storms the lakes became famous for. Usually teeming with aquatic life, most divers find wrecks nearly irresistible…but wrecks can be dangerous places. The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you the 'ins' and 'outs' of rewarding, responsible wreck diving. You’ll learn: techniques for exploring shipwrecks and how to avoid common hazards; how to research and learn the background of your favorite wrecks; wreck diving equipment considerations; considerations and techniques for penetrating intact wrecks; experience in planning and organizing at least four wreck dives.
As Divers, we all want extra bottom time, but your dive computer or tables just won’t give it to you? With enriched air (nitrox), you can potentially extend your bottom time, shorten your surface interval, and increase your safety margin. With most of our dive sites between 35′ and 100′, Nitrox is an invaluable asset used to extend our bottom time! In this course, you’ll learn: techniques for getting more dive time by using enriched air nitrox; enriched air scuba diving equipment considerations; enriched air considerations, including managing oxygen exposure, analyzing your scuba tank and how to set your dive computer.
If you plan on diving a lot, especially in our colder fresh water quarry's and lakes, the PADI Dry Suit Diver Specialty is something you will want to do. Dry Suits as the name implies, allows you to dive dry and warm while letting you dive more challenging dive sites, and extend your dive season, even up to all 12 months of the year. You’ll learn: the necessary knowledge and skills to safely don, dive with, doff and store a dry suit; dry suit buoyancy control skills; dry suit maintenance, storage and basic repair; undergarment options.
See your favorite dive sites from a whole new perspective and discover new creatures only active after dark…take a deep breathe and step into the underwater night! In this course you will learn: night dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential problems; how to control your buoyancy at night; considerations for entries, exits and underwater navigation at night; night diving equipment considerations; the oceans nocturnal aquatic life such as sleeping fish and foraging lobsters and sea horses.
The PADI Search and Recovery Diver Specialty course will teach you effective ways to find objects underwater and bring them to the surface. You’ll learn: search and recovery dive planning, organization procedures, and how to deal with potential problems; how to locate large and small objects using search patterns; how to use a lift bag and other recovery methods; search techniques.
Feeling lost underwater can add stress to any dive. Relieve the stress and become the diver everyone wants to follow! In this course you’ll learn: to use a compass to navigate; to use natural navigation indicators such as ripples in the sand, reef formations and depth; dive site relocation; how to estimate distance underwater; navigation patterns; underwater map making.
Once an option, but now more of a necessity if not a requirement, carrying a surface marker (safety sausage) or delayed surface marker bouy is a necessary skill all divers should learn, and having the ability to use an SMB is vitally important when you are coastal diving. There are still a variety of reasons to release a surface marker buoy. It may be necessary to swim with an SMB during an entire drift dive so that your surface support can easily track your progress. It may be essential to release a buoy at the end of a dive to alert watercraft to your presence before ascending (especially important in areas with boat traffic). In addition, the line attached to your SMB may be used as a reference point for a controlled ascent. It’s important to release your SMB in a controlled and safe manner, and to practice the skill repeatedly in easy conditions to develop muscle memory and make the process smooth and efficient. In this course, you'll learn; Why and how to use an SMB, different types of SMB's and reels, methods of SMB deployment, and risks and hazards of SMB use.
With the rise of digital, underwater photography remains one of the most popular diving specialties. Learning on your own can be extremely frustrating…the PADI Digital Underwater Photography course makes it easier and more fun than ever! There are actually two PADI underwater photography courses: The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course quickly teaches you how to work with modern digital equipment, whether you use a point-and-shoot camera or a more sophisticated set-up. In this course, you’ll learn: how to choose the right underwater camera system for you; the PADI SEA method for getting great shots quickly; the three primary principles for good underwater photos.
Go with the flow and learn to drift dive today! All along the eastern coast of the United States, the Gulfstream allows you to easily drift through our entire reef and wreck system. Diving our local rivers affords the opportunity to drift dive also. The PADI Drift Diver Specialty course shows you how to enjoy ocean and river currents and effortless diving adventures. You’ll learn: planning, organization procedures, techniques, problems and hazards of drift diving; an introduction to drift diving equipment, ie: floats, lines, reels; buoyancy control, navigation and communication for drift diving; site selection and overview of aquatic currents - causes and effects; techniques for staying close to a buddy or together as a group.
The PADI Boat Diving Specialty benefits all divers whether you mostly dive from shore, from private boats or from commercial boats. You’ll learn: how to set up a boat for drift diving as well as anchor or mooring diving; safe entry and exit skills; how to secure gear and when and where to set it up; boat diving etiquette; how to locate basic boat safety equipment.
DPV, also known as underwater scooters originated from military purposes and also cave divers make extensive use of them. The big advantage of the DPV is that it enables the diver to cover big distances without any effort. In-turn this results in low air consumption meaning longer dives without the need of bringing bigger or more tanks. During the two dives in the course you will learn the skills, procedures en different techniques to safely dive with a DPV and also the proper maintenance issues will be addressed. DPVs offer a thrilling way to see a lot of underwater territory in a brief amount of time. Whether making a shore dive or diving from a boat, a DPV is a great way to see more and have a blast doing it.
During the PADI Open Water course you learned how to use the dive table. You might have already noticed that the table is based on a some what theoretical approach of a dive profile. Almost nobody will dive straight down, stay there for a certain amount of time and then at the end of the dive ascent straight to the surface. A more realistic dive profile is to first decent to the deepest point of the dive and than slowly, in stages ascent back to the surface. How long can I stay underwater, how do I calculate these times and most importantly how to implement this planning. You will learn all these things and more during the two dives of this course.
Do you find yourself asking, “What was that?” If so, the PADI AWARE Fish ID course is just for you! You’ll enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures around you. In this course you’ll learn: how to identify characteristics of local fish families and species; fish survey techniques and strategies; how to practice fish identification dive planning, organization and procedures.
As a scuba diver you recognize that the health of aquatic ecosystems is often what makes a good dive. Become aware of the fragility of coral reefs and how you can help preserve them. The AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course is designed to inform you about the world’s coral reefs. You’ll learn: the vital role coral reefs play in the marine environment; the current state of the world’s coral reefs and how you can help; about the Project AWARE Foundation; how coral reefs function; why they are so important; why many reefs are in serious trouble.
Most people take up scuba diving to become acquainted with worldwide aquatic ecosystems. If you’re one of those and you want to learn about how you can protect them, this classroom-based Specialty course is for you. During this course, you will learn: the Project AWARE philosophy, the importance and interdependence of worldwide aquatic ecosystems, the ocean commons and coastal zone issues, Coral environment overview and inhabitants, Current issues regarding fisheries, coastal zone management and marine pollution, the status of several critically degraded marine environments, how you can help. Project AWARE Foundation is the scuba diving industry’s leading nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to conserving the aquatic environment through education, advocacy and action. Besides completing the Project AWARE Specialty course, you can become a partner in the efforts to preserve the underwater environment. Project AWARE Specialist is a great specialty to go along with the BSA Scuba Merit Badge.
Diving is all about what you see beneath the surface. When you’re immersed in the big blue, you’re in a world filled with fascinating creatures, plants and other-worldly landscapes. Admiring the beauty beneath the waves is one thing, but appreciating how the underwater environment functions, on a more complex level, is something that will enhance your diving experiences in ways you might not expect. The better you understand the aquatic environment, the more you’ll be able to savor the sights you encounter on your dives. Go beyond simply recognizing the occasional fish by taking the PADI Underwater Naturalist program. In the course, you’ll learn to identify fish, animals and plants, and then take your knowledge to the next level with comprehension of how their interactions affect each other and the environment.
Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider is an important commitment and skill. Although divers do their utmost to be safe, emergencies arise and this specialty prepares to be of service. You’ll learn how to recognize illnesses which are treated by emergency oxygen, be able to set up equipment, and administer emergency oxygen. Your buddy can rest easy knowing you'll be prepared in an emergency. This course is a great suppliment to your Emergency First Responder and Rescue Diver training.
Written by PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer Jerry Bayus with significant input from John Hott, OTS Technical Training Director, this PADI Distinctive GFFM Specialty Diver Course was developed to specifically address diving the OTS Guardian FFM and similarly designed full face masks in both recreational dive and Public Safety Dive environments. The PADI Distinctive OTS GFFM Specialty Diver is a detailed and in-depth course which encompasses all functional and safety aspects of diving the GFFM in a variety of water conditions. This GFFM course consists of classroom knowledge development, extensive confined water training skills, concluding with at least 2 open water dives. Click on this link for an overview of the PADI Distinctive OTS GFFM Specialty Diver course.